UltraBee Commands By Category

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HTShow the Hint Table.
TLShow the Two Letter List.
T3Show the Three Letter List.
BTIf the puzzle is a Bingo show the min/max list.
1Display a random entry from the Hint Table.
2Display a random entry from the Two Letter List.
3Display a random entry from the Three Letter List.
51Display a random entry from the Hint Table of 5+ letter words.
52Display a random entry from the Two Letter List of 5+ letter words.
53Display a random entry from the Three Letter List of 5+ letter words.
#How many words remain?
#5How many words of length 5 remain?
#>4How many words of length greater than 4 remain?
#BHow many words beginning with B remain?

DPDefine pangrams
DRDefine a random word
DA5Define A5 words
DGRDefine words beginning with GR.
D-MINDefine words beginning with MIN.
D5Define words that are at least 5 letters long
OCToggle showing only clues or both clues and definitions.
NDToggle showing the Define link or not.
The above commands will skip words that have been found. The one below will define any word - in the puzzle or not.
D <word> ...Define the words
Q (or ?)Define the last word that was found

Revealing Letters
V1PShow the first letter of the pangrams
V3A5Show the first 3 letters of A5 words
V4GRShow the first 4 letters of GR words
E3PShow the 2 first and 1 last letter of the pangrams
E3A5Show 2 first and 1 last letters of A5 words
E4GRShow 2 first and 2 last letters of GR words

IShow the puzzle statistics - # words, # points, # pangrams, bingo? Also the names of people who provided clues.
RShow the point rankings from Beginner to Good to Great to Queen Bee. Also how many more points to the next rank.
R%Same as R but showing percentages as well.
PGHow many more points to Genius?
TOPShow the screen names of people who have achieved the ranks of Queen Bee down to Good Start for today's puzzle. Also shown are the number of hints they needed. If someone achieved GN4L or GOTN this is noted. Bingo achievements are shown for Bingo puzzles.
STCycle through the 3 types of puzzle status.
PFCycle through the 3 types of puzzle feedback.
SCShow the sequence of found words and scores.
S <word>Which dates did the word appear in an NYT puzzle?
SLShow which found words use the same letters.
CLWhich dates did you provide clues for the NYT puzzle?
LGShow the log of your activity on the day of the NYT puzzle.
ACShow a stacked bar graph of activity on the day of the NYT puzzle.
MACShow a stacked bar graph of my activity on the day of the NYT puzzle.
FToggle Forum mode.

Word Lists
WLToggle showing the word lists
WL <which>Show only selected word lists. <which> is one or more of P, D, L, B, and S for Puzzle, Donut, Lexicon, Bonus, and Stash. A for all words.
WShow the found words in the order they were found
F7What other NYT puzzles use the same 7 letters?
FTWhich found words are appearing in an NYT puzzle for the first time?
FT <word>When did the word appear for the first time in an NYT puzzle?
W4Show found words of length 4
W>Show found words in order of increasing length
W>4Show found words of length greater than 4
W<Show found words in order of decreasing length
W<7Show found words of length less than 7
W <prefix>Show found words beginning with prefix
W/<pattern>Show found words matching the pattern
W!/<pattern>Show found words that do not match the pattern
1WShow the found words in 1 column

The Stash
SW <word> ...Add the words to the Stash.
SWAAdd all of the found puzzle words to the Stash.
SA5Add the 5+ letter words in the Stash to the puzzle.
SAAdd the all of the words in the Stash to the puzzle.
SA XXAdd the words containing XX in the Stash to the puzzle.

Bonus, Donut, Lexicon, and Incorrect Words
BNToggle Bonus mode.
DNToggle Donut mode.
CWShow the tallies of who found extra words
OWShow Bonus, Donut, and Lexicon words that were found only by you.
BOAShow your Bonus words in order by the additional letter.
B>Show your Bonus words in order of increasing length.
D>Show your Donut words in order of increasing length.
The following can not be used on the day of the puzzle.
BWShow everyone's Bonus words in alphabetical order.
DWShow everyone's Donut words in alphabetical order.
LWShow everyone's Lexicon words in alphabetical order.
NBWShow everyone's Bonus words in order of how many people found them.
NDWShow everyone's Donut words in order of how many people found them.
NLWShow everyone's Lexicon words in order of how many people found them.
ABWShow everyone's Bonus words in order of the additional letter.
IWShow everyone's Incorrect words in alphabetical order.
NIWShow everyone's Incorrect words in order of how many people tried them.

SNDisplay your public screen name.
SN <name>Change your public screen name.
IDDisplay your private identity string.
ID <string>Change your private identity string.

Managing the List of Puzzles
LList your current puzzles.
DLDownload .csv files of the puzzles you played – for safe-keeping.
TPlay today's NYT puzzle.
YFrom today's puzzle move to yesterday's puzzle. From another NYT puzzle date move to the day before.
-5Play the NYT puzzle from 5 days ago.
NRPlay a random NYT puzzle.
NRBPlay a random NYT puzzle that has a Bingo.
mm/dd/yyPlay the NYT puzzle from the given date - May 9, 2018 to today.
mm/ddPlay the NYT puzzle from the current year mm/dd.
ddPlay the NYT puzzle from the current month dd.
NMove to the next puzzle in the list.
PMove to the previous puzzle in the list.
P<num>Move to puzzle #num in the list.
XRemove the current puzzle from the list.
X 3,5,9-11Remove the itemized puzzles from the list.
XARemove all but today's NYT puzzle.

Community Puzzles
LCPList the 5 latest community puzzles. LCP 10 will list 10.
LCP <pattern>List the community puzzles created by names that match the pattern.
RCPList recommended community puzzles.
CP<num>Play community puzzle <num>
YCPList the community puzzles you created.
XCP<num>Delete one of your community puzzles.

CO XSet a preset color A-G.
CODisplay a table of current colors.
CO # color ...Change numbered area colors
SCO <scheme>Save your colors in a scheme name.
CO <scheme>Set your color scheme.
LCOList all of your color schemes.
XCO <scheme>Delete the named color scheme.

MOToggle mobile mode - useful when playing on an iPad or tablet.
-<word>Remove the word from the found list.
LM <mins>Limit your play to <mins> more minutes.
LMHow much time remains?
PAPause the self-imposed time limit.
HToggle the presentation of the 7 letters from Honeycomb to Inline.
HEToggle the header.
LNToggle the showing of the many links when not in mobile mode.
IMToggle the showing of images (for Amazing, Genius, and Queen Bee) in the numeric status.
C YClear the puzzle and start afresh. The Extra words are left in place.
C YAClear all words from the puzzle and start afresh.
G YGive up and show the words you have not yet found.
G YPGive up and enter the words you have not yet found.