UltraBee Help



The New York Times has had the Spelling Bee puzzle in the print version of the weekly New York Times Magazine since 2014. The daily web version launched on May 9, 2018. Wikipedia has links to several stories about the game and the vibrant community of people who enjoy it (the “HiveMind”). Many people play the game on their phone with the New York Times app.

Here is the NY Times version:

Now there’s another way to play: UltraBee has several advantages.

There are several videos to show how it works.

Give it a try and what you think.

My name is Jon Bjornstad. I live in Davis, CA. I am 75 years old. I retired from the corporate software world a few years ago but I still very much enjoy the art of programming. In short, I am an old Perl hacker. When I saw the Hint Table of the NYT Spelling Bee and realized that it was static, that it did not change as you found words, I immediately thought, “That’s not right. I can do better.” And I have. The complete source code for this project is on github.

Table of Contents

How to Play
Words and Commands
Screen Names and Your Identity
Playing on a Mobile Phone or Tablet
Hint Commands
The Hint Table, Two Letter List, and Three Letter List
Hint Strategy
Games within the Game
Genius No 4 Letter
The Stash
Donut, Lexicon, and Bonus Words
Incorrect Words
Misspellings, Images, and a Vocabulary Challenge
Archival and Community Puzzles
Your Accumulated Puzzles
Discussion Forum
Clues for Puzzles
Creating a Community Puzzle
Power User Commands
Articles about the NYT Bee
Other NYT Bee Projects
Without a Subscription?
Same 7 Letters
NYT Archival Puzzles
The Many Ways to “Cheat”
Known Issues


These videos were created for those who think this document is too long to read – and this document for those who think the videos are too long to watch; for those who can’t stand either, the whole is respectfully dedicated. These videos were made in February 2022. There have been several enhancements since then. To learn about them all you need to read this entire document carefully. 😜

How to Play

The “allowed list” is a finite list of words chosen by the puzzle creator. Your challenge is to find them all.

Finding all of the words is just one way to play. There are other 'games within the game' that are another kind of fun challenge.


The many advantages of UltraBee include:

Words and Commands

The new mechanism looks like this:

In the text field you enter words that satisfy the rules of the puzzle. You can enter more than one word. Press Return to see if the words are acceptable. Any error messages will appear above the text field. Words you have found will appear below the text field in alphabetical order.

Pressing Return when the text field is empty will clear any messages. If there are no messages to clear, the 6 outer letters will be permuted.

If you lose focus on the text field you can restore it by hitting the Tab key.

There are several links on the page.

For a very simple and minimalistic interface you can turn all of the above links off. Enter these commands: HE, LN, WL, and ST (cycle through 4 types until the status is off). And for ultimate purists the H command will show the 7 letters inline. Here are a few of the many commands you can enter in the text field:

IShow Information about the puzzle including numbers of words, points, pangrams, and (maybe) Bingo. Note that a pangram is termed “perfect” if it is 7 letters long.

If the puzzle was created by the community (instead of the NYT) details from the creator are given.

If clues have been added for a puzzle the authors are listed. Click on an author name to see all of their clues. There are 6 different formats you can choose from.

There is also the word “HiveMind” which is a link to the forum of the NY Times. Click on it to see the extended yet entertaining discussion about the puzzle.

RShow the rankings - from Beginner to ... Amazing to Genius to Queen Bee. It also shows how many points are needed to get to the next rank.
WShow the found words in the order they were found.
SCShow how the score was tallied and how many words remain to be found. A thin line shows where you first asked for a hint.
TOP Show the screen names of people who have achieved the ranks of Queen Bee down to Good Start for the current NYT puzzle. Also shown are the number of hints they needed. If someone achieved GN4L or GOTN this is noted. Bingo achievements are shown for Bingo puzzles.

There is a link “Share your score.” Clicking on it will copy a description of your scores to the clipboard. You can paste it into a text message or email to share your score with your friends. It looks like this:

    Bingo 7, 0 Hint
    5 Hint
    18 Bonus, 4 Own, 10 BOA, 3 BB
    13 Donut, 2 Own
    3 Lexicon
STCycle through the 4 types of puzzle status: numeric, graphical, graphical plus statistics, or no status at all. Default is numeric.

  1. The numeric status looks like this:

  2. The graphical status looks like this:

    b - bingo
    p - pangrams
    w - words
    s - score
    h - hints

    The bingo line will appear only if the puzzle is a Bingo.

    If the number of hints exceeds the number of words the line of dots will be truncated and a + will be appended.

    Note that words in the stash and perfect pangrams are shown differently:

    This shows that there are 3 pangrams, 2 of them are perfect, 2 have been found, and one is in the stash. Another non-pangram word was also found giving a total of 3 found words, 2 of which are pangrams.

  3. The third type of puzzle status is graphical plus statistics. Here is an example of the statistics:

    19 words of 48    39%    29 more to find
    114 points of 261    43%    147 more to find
    score 1104 points in stash
    10hintshints/score: 0.09

  4. For those who want a minimal clean interface the last type of status is no status at all.
C  YClear the puzzle and start over. C  Y means Clear and confirm with Yes.

Note that this clearing of hints will not change the number of “overall hints” that is shown with the TOP command.

Screen Names and Your Identity

There is no need to register or login to this game. This is nice. ALL are welcome. It is helpful, however, to have some form of identification. To address this need there are screen names and an identity string - both of which are initially assigned to you.

The screen name is your unique public-facing name. The identity string is private, secret, and unique. Note that neither of these require an email address or phone number so you can be as private and secure as you like.

Screen Name

For fun, the randomly assigned screen name is composed of one of these Bee related words: plus a number. Like Queen3 or Buzz45.

Screen names are shown with the CW command which shows the fun competition for Extra Words. They are also used when you post a message to the Forum.

You can change your screen name at any time with the command SN like so:

However, before changing your screen name, you should use the ID command (see below) to set your identity string.

The screen name can be almost anything you wish. The only restriction is that it cannot contain the characters <, >, or space. Uniqueness is enforced. The name is entered in ALL CAPS but is transformed like so:

becomes: The first letter is capitalized as are the letters after an underscore. The other letters are in lower case.

Entering the SN command by itself will show you what your screen name is.

Identity String

The identity string is generated to be unique. It is a long string of characters like this:

This string is saved in your web browser data (aka cookies) so that if you leave and return later your words and games are remembered. Nice.

The unfortunate issue with this mechanism is that if you:

a new identity string will be generated for you - and you will not see your words and games. 😞

A better way to establish your identity is to create a string that you know is (very likely) unique to you (like your name plus your birthdate) and enter it with the ID command. For example:

Note that the identity string is case-sensitive. As you type it you will only see capital letters but the case of your typing does matter.

Now if your web data and browser history is cleared or you use a different browser you can easily re-establish your identity by RE-entering the above command.

The ID command can be used if you mostly play on your computer with a keyboard but also want to play on your mobile phone when you are out and about. Enter your ID command in both places and you will see your words and games in both places. Nice!

Entering the ID command by itself will show you what your identity string is.

Playing on a Mobile Phone or Tablet

While it is easiest to play on a computer with a keyboard it is also easy to play on a mobile phone or tablet. I have an iPhone and using the Safari browser with the text enlarged (with the AA icon) to 150% and holding the phone horizontally, this is what the screen looks like:

Android phones will behave in a similar way. If you are playing on an iPad or Tablet with a touch screen you can use the MO command to toggle into “mobile mode”.

In this mobile mode the heading has been toggled off. There are 9 command links to the right of the hexagon letters: Stash, Define, Donut, Enter, Delete, Bonus, Top, Help, and Forum.

Tapping on letters will copy them to the area on the right:

Tap on Stash to add the word to The Stash.
Tap on Define to do a DR command to define a random unfound word.
Tap on Donut to switch into Donut Mode.
Tap on Enter to submit the word.
Tap on Delete to remove letters.
Tap on Bonus to switch into Bonus Mode.
Tap on Top to issue the TOP command.
Tap on Help to bring up this document in a separate browser window.
Tap on Forum to toggle Forum Mode.

If you wish to enter a command, see the list of found words, or view the Hint Table simply scroll down.

Inline Letters

If you are adept at texting with your thumbs you may prefer using the H command to toggle between the hexagon and having the letters arranged in a line (as in normal words) – like this:

Space and Multiple Words

There is a hidden feature (aka Power User trick) when playing on a mobile phone. See this screenshot:

See the red pentagonal shape? It won’t be red on your screen but tapping on that area will insert a space character. This will enable you to enter multiple words before Entering them – as illustrated. When you have entered a lot of words the font will be reduced so you can enter even more words!

Just for fun, (and because this document is already TL;DR = “too long; didn’t read”) here is the previous paragraph rewritten by chatGPT in the style of a Rap/Hip-Hop artist and then in the style of Ralph Waldo Emerson:


Yo, listen up,
I got a tip for ya,
See that pentagonal shape,
it’s fire, ya hear me?
Ain’t gonna be red on your screen,
but don’t you forget,
Tap that area, and you’ll get a space,
you won’t regret,

It’s like a key to unlock,
the multi-word flow,
Enter as many as you want,
before you hit go,
As shown, it’s like a demo,
of what you can do,
Type away, and the font’ll shrink,
so you can get it through,

You can enter all your thoughts,
without a single pause,
The font’ll adjust,
so you can keep on applause,
So tap that shape,
and let the words start to flow,
You’ll be typing like a pro,
in no time, yo!

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Behold! The pentagonal form, a symbol of the infinite, beckons thee to tap upon its sacred space. Though the hue of red may not be visible to thine eyes, the essence of its power remains. By touching this consecrated area, a void is created, a space character that invites the flow of thought and idea.

Thus, the boundaries of expression are expanded, and the mind is free to roam, unencumbered by the constraints of the physical realm. The multitude of words, like a river’s tributaries, converge and flow into the vast ocean of thought, as illustrated by the sages of old.

And when the vessel of expression is filled to overflowing, the font, like a wise and benevolent guide, adjusts its proportions, that even more of the divine effluence may be contained, and the soul’s grandeur be revealed in all its majesty.

Yeah. Note that when clicking on the pentagon it will briefly flash pink to visually indicate that the space was inserted.

Hint Commands

It is not easy to find all the words in a puzzle and reach the stratospheric height of the Queen Bee rank. Most of us mere mortals need some kind of help to get to Amazing or Genius.

HTShow the Hint Table.
TLShow the Two Letter List.
T3Show the Three Letter List.
The Hint Table, Two Letter List, and Three Letter List are explained below.
1Show a random entry from the Hint Table.
2Show a random entry from the Two Letter List.
3Show a random entry from the Three Letter List.
These three will work even if the full Table and Lists are not shown.

Note: The Define and reVeal commands below will skip words that have already been found.

DPDefine the Pangrams.
DB8Define the words beginning with B of length 8.
DGADefine the words beginning with GA.
D-MINDefine the words beginning with MIN.
DRDefine a random word from the list of words not yet found. Note that if there are no 4 letter words in the found list the DR command will do a D5 to only include 5+ letter words. This will help when trying for GN4L.
D  <word>  Define the word. You can ask for definitions of any word - not just the ones in the puzzle. No hints are tallied. This form of the D command serves as a quick and fun way to browse a dictionary that is more pleasant somehow (less clutter and noise!) than a full web site. You can give multiple words on the command line.

You can also type a word followed by D to get the definition:

Definitions are from wordnik.com. These definitions are very brief because they’re just a hint. Complete definitions would cover multiple meanings and multiple parts of speech. Once a word is found and shown in the Found Word List you can click on it again to see the brief definition.††† The command Q (or ?) will show the definition of the last word that was found.

Click on brief definitions to see the complete definition from wordnik.com in another window. And (a hidden feature) if you’d like to hear the word pronounced aloud click on the word at the top of the complete definition. For some reason, this works for root words but not derivations (e.g. change not changing).

If there there is a clue for a word it is shown first followed by the dictionary definition. The power user command OC will toggle between seeing only the clues or seeing both the clues and the definitions. The default is to show both. You are normally charged 3 hint points for a definition but if you have set Only Clues the charge is reduced to 2 hint points.

If you do not want to accidentally get definitions there is the ND command to toggle showing the Define link or not.

Revealing Letters
V2PReveal the first two letters (and the length) of the pangrams.
V3B8Reveal the first 3 letters of the words beginning with B of length 8.
V4GAReveal the first 4 letters (and the length) of the words beginning with GA.
Using E instead of V reveals letters at the front and at the End of the word. Commands that would reveal the entire word (like V4B4) are silently ignored (as are commands like V1B8 or V2GA).

Note that there is no V4MIN (or E4MIN) command to reveal 4 letters of words beginning with MIN as this would be just too much. Yes, this is the UltraBee but one has to have some limit, right? 😊

The Hint Table, Two Letter List, and Three Letter List

The Hint Table (aka The Grid) (invoked with the HT command) looks like this:

The 5 in the M row and the 6 column means that the the puzzle has 5 words beginning with M of length 6.

The Two Letter List (invoked with the TL command) looks like this:

The MI-7 means that the puzzle has 7 words beginning with MI.

There are two important things about the table and list.

  1. They are DYNAMIC. As you discover and enter words, the numbers in the table and lists will change. The numbers represent the number of words that remain to be found.
  2. You can click on the entries in the table and lists to get definitions and clues for the words.

For those who work on the puzzle at nytimes.com or with the NYT mobile app and would like the Hint Table and Two Letter List to be dynamic there is a solution:

Select and Copy the words you have found, Paste them into the text field, and hit Return. The Table and List will show only the missing words. This applies, of course, only to today’s puzzle. Duplicate, invalid, and stray words will be silently ignored.

The Three Letter List is invoked with the T3 command and looks like this:

The LUL-2 means that there are 2 words beginning with LUL. As you might expect, you can click on the LUL-2 to get brief definitions (and/or clues). This list is dynamic as well.

The Three Letter List is not a standard part of the NYT Puzzle. It is often provided by various people in the HiveMind comments. It almost gives too many hints since you only need to add one letter to get the 4 letter words!

Hint Strategy

Many people who solve the puzzle try to use as few hints as possible. The ultimate is to achieve QBABM = Queen Bee all by myself. This is possible but rather difficult. There are many ways to get hints and each increases your “hint total”. The number of hints are tallied like so:

Some people do not mind how many hints they need to achieve Queen Bee. It is just a game and they feel that games should be fun. 😉 If I make it to the rank of Amazing all by myself I call it a very good day. And some days I consider it a success if the Hint total is less than the Score. 😊

If you are seeing Only Clues (see the OC command) the definitions are 2 hint points per word rather than 3.

The I (info) command shows the names of the people who provided clues. Clicking on a name will show all of their clues. This will not cost you any hint points at all and is one of many ways that you can “cheat”!

Note that with enough hints you can always make it to Queen Bee. For example, with the 5 letter word MAGMA you could ask for the hints V4MA and E2MA to get all 5 of the letters.

Once the rank of Amazing is reached the ratio of hints to total score is shown. Here’s an example of where I struggled to get to Queen Bee after I got to Genius 😥:

Games within the Game

Achieving “Queen Bee All By Myself” (QBABM) is the ultimate goal but for most of us mere mortals it is rarely achieved. There are other fun ways to play:


If each of the 7 letters in a puzzle is the first letter of at least one word in the list of allowed words then this is called a “Bingo”. It is called “Bingo” in reference to the real Bingo game where you win if you complete a row, column, or diagonal. Not all puzzles are Bingo puzzles but there are many. In the first 1530 puzzles in the archive 650 were Bingo puzzles. The I command will tell you if a puzzle is a Bingo as does the graphical status (see the command ST). When you enter a word that completes a Bingo you get a congratulatory message. There are 4 levels of Bingo achievement: Trying to achieve these levels of Bingo are little games within the game that some people enjoy. It is much easier than QBABM!

The command BT (Bingo Table) shows a subset of the Hint Table. For each of the 7 letters it shows the lengths of the words with minimum and maximum scores. This helps when you are aiming for level 4 Bingo. For example (from 1/22/21):

In this puzzle the word INCONVENIENCE (13) is longer than INCONVENIENT (12) but the latter is a pangram. Numbers marked with a red asterisk represent words that are pangrams.

BT does not tally any hint points. For people striving for QBABM the Bingo table does give you quite a bit of help – for free. You can’t quite claim that you got to Queen Bee all by yourself, but that’s okay.

As in the Hint Table the numbers in the BT table are links - to show a brief definition of the word(s). BT is a toggle - the default is off. If a puzzle is not a Bingo no table will be shown.

If you are using the graphical status note that you can click on the 'b' (bingo) line to toggle the Bingo Table on and off.

If you enjoy Bingo games there is the command NRB which will start a New Random Bingo puzzle from the NYT archive.

The TOP command shows Bingo achievement scores that are tallied like this:

The maximum Bingo score in TOP is 18: min (1 + 2 + 4) + max (1 + 2 + 8) = 18. The total number of hints needed is also shown. Note that to do both min and max Bingo you need the C Y command between them. SWA is better than C Y - see The Stash.

Even better and more convenient, after a Minimum Score Bingo the message will contain a link: "On to Max Bingo" which will do the 'SWA' for you. And after a Maximum Score Bingo the message will contain a link: "On to GN4L" which will stash any four letter words and unstash any 5+ letter words and ... turn off the Bingo Table.

Genius No 4 Letter

Another little game within the game is achieving the rank of Genius without any 4 letter words. The abbreviation for this in the HiveMind forum is GN4L (Genius No 4 Letter).

Since 4 letter words are only valued at 1 point, attaining GN4L is almost always possible. In the first 1530 games in the archive there were only 8 games where GN4L was not possible. 10/8/19 is one example. If GN4L cannot be achieved this is noted in the output of the 'I' (info) command.

Even though it is almost always possible, getting to GN4L isn’t easy and here are a few commands to help:

D5Define a random word not yet found that has 5 or more letters. Note that if you only have 5+ letter words in your found list the DR command will do much the same as the D5 command.
51Show a random non-zero entry from the Hint Table where the length is 5 or more.
52Show a random entry from the Two Letter List of words with a length of 5 or more.
53Show a random entry from the Three Letter List of words with a length of 5 or more.

When you achieve GN4L you get a congratulatory message:

A minor (relatively easy) variation on GN4L is GOTN - Genius On The Nose. This is where your point total is exactly at the beginning of the Genius level. Genius is 70% of the maximum point total (Queen Bee). GOTN requires that you achieve GN4L at the same time. There is this additional congratulatory message for GOTN:

Two other Genius level variants are when you did not need a Pangram to reach Genius. The codes for these are: GN4L-NP and GOTN-NP. If GN4L-NP is not possible this is also noted in the I (info) command.

The PG command will tell you how many more points you need to reach the Genius level. If you are at or over Genius it reports how many more words you need to reach Queen Bee.

As you get close to Genius you can consult the Hint Table to see if there is a 5+ letter word remaining that will get you to Genius exactly. If not, you could stash a word with the SW command like this: SW <word>. This will adjust your score so you can then have other ways to make the score match the Genius level exactly.

The Stash

When striving for Bingo or GN4L you can effectively use "the stash". The Stash is a place you can store words that you have found but don’t want to enter quite yet. Let’s say you are trying for minimal Bingo with this puzzle:

There are several 4 letter words in the BT table. As you are looking for them you might see a pangram or 5+ letter words that do not fit in with minimal Bingo. You can “stash” these words so you don’t forget them! SW stands for Stash Words.

More conveniently, the SW (or just an S) could be entered at the end, if you wish:

Note that words are checked before stashing. Only valid puzzle words are stashed. Extra words will be added as usual.

Note that if you see a Bonus or Donut word it’s okay to enter them whenever you wish. The C Y command will not clear them.

When you finish with minimal Bingo you likely want to go on to maximal Bingo (which is much harder) or GN4L. But you don’t want to forget the 4 letter words you entered! There is a command to help:

This will stash all of your puzzle words.

The words in the Stash are shown below the Donut, Lexicon, and Bonus words. Something like this:

When you go on to GN4L you can add all of the 5+ letter words in the stash with: The stash will now contain only 4 letter words: When you reach reach Genius and GN4L you can now enter your remembered 4 letter stash words with: SA stands for Stash Add. All words will be UNstashed.

There is a variant on the SA command:

XX can be any letters you wish. Only the words in the stash that contain an XX will be UNstashed. This would be useful if you saw a pangram during minimal bingo and stashed it and then you wanted to enter the pangram when doing maximal bingo. Without this command you would have to re-enter it. For example, the pangram for the above puzzle is ADDICTION. If the stash contained: you could UNstash ADDICTION with:

Another (and likely easier) way to UNstash a word is to first click on it to get its definition. Above the definition there will be a link labeled UNstash. Click on it do the unstashing.

A fun variant of this is when you want to stash a word that is already in your list of found puzzle words - perhaps to help achieve GOTN. Click on the word for a definition. You will have a link labeled Stash.

For power users: In the command SA XX the XX is actually a Perl regular expression (with the /x flag) so with this in the stash:

You could unstash CHALLENGE with: because it is the only word that ends in E. And you could unstash LEECH with: because it is the only word that begins with L.

Donut, Lexicon, and Bonus Words


While searching hunting foraging for words that are in the “allowed list” it often happens that you see a real word that does not contain the center letter. These words are called “Donut Words” because the 6 non-center letters form a circle (or torus) with a hole - like a donut or doughnut. This puzzle from May 27, 2022:

had more than 50 (!) Donut Words including Again, Agar, Agrarian, Arming, Grammarian, and Margin. Another Donut Word is “Anagram” which had never occurred in an NYT Spelling Bee before - how fun is that! 😊 (It has since been used for the first and only time on 9/24/23). Note that Arming, Grammarian, and Margin are pangram donut words because they use all 6 letters. Arming and Margin are perfect pangram donut words because they are 6 letters long.

Donut Words are deemed acceptable if they occur in the large lexicon †††† or have appeared before in an NYT Bee Puzzle OR if they have a definition at wordnik.com.

If you try to find Donut (or Lexicon) words by typing words that you don’t know and suspect may be a valid word you may be pleasantly surprised that it is indeed an acceptable word. For example:

So now you are probably wondering what TEET means, right? You can click on the red TEET and a definition will be shown. Nice! Another way to see the definition of the last word that was found is the Q (or ?) command.

To faciliate your search for Donut words you can toggle into “Donut Mode” with the command DN. This will only show Donut words you have found and the center letter will disappear because you won’t be using it. When you toggle the letter display with H to show the letters in a straight line the center letter will be omitted. Toggle out of Donut Mode with the command DN as well.

When playing on a mobile phone there are links to toggle into and out of Donut mode. In Donut mode the screen looks like this:

Note: The center hexagon will issue a space so you can enter multiple donut words at the same time. The center hexagon will briefly flash pink to indicate that the space was inserted.

When viewing the letters horizontally (with the H command) they will look like this:

Finally, the command D> will show the Donut words in order by length.


Another type of word is one that IS a real valid actual proper qualified word containing the center letter but which for some mysterious, arbitrary, rational, or irrational reason was not included in the “allowed list”. In this puzzle:

the words WAIN and WANG are such valid words that were not included in the allowed list - because they are rare or obscure? These disallowed words are the subject of many many repetitous and lengthy discussions and debates in the HiveMind Forum. One example is the word URTICARIA - see the NYT HiveMind forum for May 16, 2022. These words are called “Lexicon Words” because they are to be found in the large lexicon.


When seeking questing looking for words in the allowed list how often have you muttered the phrase “If only I had an E...”? For this, there are Bonus words. A Bonus word is at least 6 letters long, uses some of the 7 letters (not necessarily including the center one), and an additional letter that is not one of the 7.

In this puzzle from November 13, 2022:

the words VICINITY and INCITEMENT are Bonus words which use an additional Y and M respectively. Bonus words must appear either in the large lexicon or in the list of previous NYT Puzzle words OR if they have a definition at wordnik.com. The additional letter can be an S (finally!). SCIENCE is another Bonus word for the above puzzle.

Note that very few plurals occur in the large lexicon and that many words ending in ING and ED are absent as well. wordnik.com does have definitions for most plurals. Since this would result in a plethora of Bonus words just by adding an S (or ES) to Donut words that are nouns (or verbs) these type of Bonus words are not allowed. Apologies for those who enjoy accumulating vast quantities of Bonus words. 😊

It seems that Bonus words are often more colorful and intriguing than the typical boring “normal” words.

Playing Spelling Bee hopefully expands our vocabulary. But … if you only play the standard puzzle your vocabulary is biased by words with <= 7 unique letters. AND no words with S or both E & R. 😜 Bonus words expand that a little.

On May 16, 2022 this was the NYT Puzzle:

And here is a screenshot from the NYT Spelling Bee HiveMind Forum on that day:

This is evidence that Donut and Bonus words are a troublesome issue for those who only play on the NY Times site! On this site they are an added fun competitive challenge. 😊

A Bonus Pangram is one that uses all 7 letters plus the extra one. In the above puzzle ARCHITECTURE would be a Bonus Pangram. A Perfect Bonus Pangram is exactly 8 letters long. There is yet another type of Bonus Pangram – which I will leave undocumented so you can have the pleasure of discovering it on your own.

If you have found a rather long Bonus word and want to brag about it the B> command will show the Bonus words in order of increasing length. This will obviate the annoying, laborious, and error prone counting of the letters! 😊

Extra Word Lists

These three types of words (the term “Extra Words” seems a good one) are listed below the words you have found in the allowed list. Like so:

Note that the command C Y will clear puzzle words but leave the Extra words. C YA will clear all words.

Bonus Mode

Searching for Bonus words on a mobile phone is somewhat awkward. The additional letter is (of course!) not in the 7 displayed letters so you would need to enter the words in the text field. The onscreen keyboard occupies a lot of the screen real estate. When you toggle Bonus Mode ON the mobile display will look like this:

The 19 (26-7=19) additional letters are put in a table. Tap on them to append to the word. If a Bonus word has been found using a letter it will be lightgreen. If there is a Bonus word that begins with the letter, that letter will be shown in green. Such words are called Bingo Bonus words. There are also command links for Stash, Own, Bonus, Enter, Delete, and Standings.

When NOT on a mobile phone the BN command will put the 19 additional letters above the list of Bonus words.

Similar to what happens in Donut Mode, when in Bonus Mode only Bonus words are shown – no Puzzle, Donut, Lexicon or Stash words. And since you are not looking for puzzle words, the Status (numeric or graphical), Hint Table, Two Letter List, and Three Letter List are hidden as well. This helps you focus on finding those elusive colorful intriguing Bonus words!

The BOA and BB Score

Can you find a Bonus word using each of the 19 additional letters? Sometimes it is possible. If there is no U in the puzzle you likely cannot find a Bonus word using a Q. J, X, and Z may not be possible either. These letters are the highest value Scrabble letters for a reason! The command BOA will show your Bonus words in Order of the Additional letter. Appended to this list is the count of how many additional letters were used in a Bonus word - this is your BOA Score.

A Bonus word that begins with the additional letter is called a Bingo Bonus word. The number of additional letters with a Bingo Bonus word is your BB score. This is also appended to the output of the BOA command.

When searching for Bonus words to increase your BOA score this list of words from the large lexicon may help:


Looking for Bonus words is similar to playing Scrabble. In Scrabble you have 7 letters in your rack and you need to find another letter already on the board to place your word. Finding Bonus words is easier than Scrabble because you can simply choose whatever other letter you need! It’s also like having a blank tile in your rack and that tile can be any letter you wish.

Global Lists of Extra Words

There is, of course, no “official” list of these Extra words. This makes it more fun, in a way. More creative. Here are 7 commands to show the Extra words found by the entire global world-wide community. You cannot use these commands on the same day of the puzzle – otherwise, people could “cheat” and use words found by others, yes? The command Y is convenient here to go to yesterday’s puzzle. The words that you found are shown in sky blue. Pangrams and Perfect Pangrams are marked.

DWShow all Donut words in alphabetic order.
LWShow all Lexicon words in alphabetic order.
BWShow all Bonus words in alphabetic order.
NDWShow all Donut words in order of how many different people found them.
NLWShow all Lexicon words in order of how many different people found them.
NBWShow all Bonus words in order of how many different people found them.
ABWShow all Bonus words in order of the additional letter. Within that additional letter the sort is by the number of people who found the word and then alphabetically. At the end are tallies of the number of words containing the center letter and also by length.
If you see a word you don’t know you can click on it to see a brief definition (and then go back in the browser to see the list again) and, as usual, click on the brief definition to see a complete definition at wordnik.com.

Note: These lists of words can change after the day of the puzzle. Furthermore, as a “very big cheat” you could select, copy, and paste all of the words into the text box to add to your collection.


Two commands that show how you are doing with respect to others:

OWThis tells you which Extra words were found Only By You.
When an extra word is entered you are informed if it is an “Own” word.
    WORLDLY: Bonus Own word 👍
Of course, someone else may enter it later so it may not stay an Own word.
CWCommunity Words. The 'C' could also stand for Competitive 😊. Show the screen names of the 5 people who found the most Extra words (Bonus, Donut, and Lexicon) for the current NYT puzzle. For example:

CW 10 will show the top 10. Note that this command only shows the counts of words that were found on the day the puzzle was released. This command can be entered throughout the day of the puzzle. CW introduces a fun competitive drive to try to find more and more words.

Note that CW also shows OW, BOA, and BB scores.

Incorrect Words

In addition to Puzzle, Donut, Bonus, and Lexicon words another category of words is Incorrect words. These are words that were tried but were not found in the allowed list nor in the large lexicon nor in wordnik.com or for some other reason were not accepted. Similar to BW and NBW there are commands IW and NIW to show the accumulated Incorrect words. There are two differences:

This is all just for fun to see how inventive and desperate we are to find more and more words! 😊

Misspellings, Images, and a Vocabulary Challenge

Three fun things that may be useful, diverting, or educational:

1) The puzzle on 2/6/21 included the word ANEMONE which was also a Bonus word for the 12/14/24 puzzle. I find this word to be very tricky to spell correctly. I tried ANENOME and got these errors:

At this point if you click on the red misspelled word, a new window will open with a Google search on that word. You will see:

Google is very good at respelling misspelled words. So the correct spelling is ANEMONE. That’s helpful, yes?

2) Whenever you are viewing a definition of a word (say CARROT) there will be a link labelled Search:

Clicking on Search will open a new window with a Google search for CARROT. In that window you will see a link ‘Images’ to show a collection of images of carrots:

Fun, huh? Useful? Maybe.

3) If, after enjoying today’s puzzle you are up for a vocabulary “test”, you can go to yesterday’s puzzle (with the command Y) and issue the command BW to see the long list of intriguing colorful creative Bonus words that were found by everyone.

Which of these words do you know? You can click on the words to get definitions.

While looking at the definitions you can choose Search and then get images as noted above.

Close that window and then go Back in the browser to return to where you were in the list of Bonus words.

Fun? Educational? It is a way to challenge and enlarge your vocabulary.

Archival and Community Puzzles

Commands to access the large NY Times Archive of Spelling Bee puzzles and the puzzles created by the Hivemind Community:

NRNew NYT puzzle from a Random date.
<date>New NYT puzzle from the given date. You can enter dates in several ways: 10/20/19 or 9/23 (current year) or 15 (current month - but not 1, 2, or 3 for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd). Dates must be on or after May 9, 2018.
TReturn to today’s NYT puzzle.
YFrom today’s puzzle move to yesterday’s NYT puzzle. If on another NYT puzzle date it will move to the day before.
-1, -7Move to yesterday’s puzzle (-1) or the puzzle from a week ago (-7).
LList the current puzzles. * marks the current puzzle. p marks puzzles where all pangrams have been found. You can click on the puzzle date to switch to that puzzle.
NMove to the next puzzle in the list - wrapping from last to first.
PMove to the previous puzzle in the list - wrapping from first to last.
P<num>Move to puzzle #num in the list.
XRemove the current puzzle from the list and move to the first in the list - or today. This clears the words you found in the removed puzzle so if you choose the puzzle again you will start afresh.
X<nums>Remove the numbered puzzles from the list. You can give a range. For example: X 2 4-6 9
XARemove all puzzles from the list and return to today’s NYT puzzle. The words you found in today’s puzzle are preserved.

Community Puzzles
LCPList the 5 most recent Community Puzzles. LCP 10 will list 10 puzzles. LCP <pattern> will show the puzzles created by people whose names match the pattern. Click on the CP## to start solving the puzzle.
RCPList community puzzles that I recommend because I find them interesting, clever, or an unusual challenge.
CP<num>New Community Puzzle #num. This plays the puzzle. To create a puzzle click here.
YCPList the Community Puzzles that you created. Click on the CP# to edit the puzzle. You can change the words, clues, title, and description.
XCP<num>Delete Community Puzzle #num and revert to today’s NYT puzzle. You can only delete puzzles that you created. You would only do this if you deem the puzzle to be flawed in some way.

If you enjoyed a puzzle and want to share it with a friend you can click on the bee logo at the top. This will take a link to the puzzle and copy it to the system clipboard. The link can then be pasted from the clipboard into a text message or an email.

Your Accumulated Puzzles

If you continue to play and play and never remove your puzzles with the above XA command the puzzles will accumulate. The L command lists all of them. Some people like to see the accumulation as it gives them a sense of abundance and accomplishment. Others like to tidy up from time to time and keep their space clear.

There is no guarantee that your accumulated puzzles will not be lost (inadvertently oops) or tidied up for you (to save disk space?). If you would like to keep a permanent record of the many puzzles you have played there is the command DL (for DownLoad). It will generate downloadable comma-separated files of your puzzles and display, for example:

The List link will download a file with 3 columns: date, rank, all pangrams. The 'all pangrams' column is either p or n – p means you that you found all of the pangrams; n that you didn’t.

The Full link will download a file with 11 columns: date, letters, center, rank, all pangrams, number of hints, puzzle, donut, lexicon, bonus, stash. The last 5 columns contain the words you found in each category. The words are space separated. This will give you everything that you could conceivably want, yes? 😊

The above 'date' column format is either yyyymmdd (for NYT puzzles) or CP### (for community puzzles).

The downloaded files have a .csv suffix and can be loaded into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet wizards can adjust the column formatting to display the last 5 columns with narrower widths and wrapped text.

The DL command will not remove the puzzles. You can do that, if you wish, with the XA command, at your leisure.

Discussion Forum

We are social beings. We like to share. The HiveMind Forum of the New York Times is a very active community of people who enjoy the challenge of the daily puzzle and also enjoy discussing it. Yes, it is full of complaints and bragging but that’s okay! 😊 There is also a great deal of poetry and clues and analysis and all kinds of clever literary fun.

UltraBee has a discussion forum as well. It is built-in to the software which makes it easy to use. It is simple but sufficient. The command F toggles Forum Mode on and off. You can also toggle it with the Forum link in the heading. When it is on the screen looks like this:

The word lists, status, and hint table are not shown. Instead, there is a text area where you can share your thoughts. When you have finished composing your message press the Submit button. Your message will appear below along with your screen name and the time. Messages are shown in reverse chronological order.

When composing your message:

If a puzzle has messages the number of messages will be shown in red at the top after the word Forum like so:

Messages are associated with the puzzle itself and persist. The forum is a good place to give praise and thanks to the creator of a Community Puzzle.

Remember that the F command is a toggle. After viewing the current messages and posting your own you can toggle back to the normal display. Even while you are in Forum Mode you can still enter commands and any new words that you have found.


The CO command controls the colors. You can change the color of nearly everything you see. Rather than being stuck with the standard NYT gray/gold hexagon: and having it forever etched and burned into your retinas you can have fun experimenting with different hues. Perhaps your favorite color is sky blue. Or on Tuesdays you feel like a spicy pink/magenta/red. Or on the weekends you want different shades of gray.

PreSet Colors

The simplest way to change the colors is with the 7 PreSets A to G: Each of these PreSets has a different mood and feel. Try them all. It’s okay to leave out the space - so COA, COB, COC, etc. will work.

These PreSets are nice but you will very likely want to tweak them in various ways to create your own snazzy color scheme(s). However you set and tweak the colors they will be remembered – they are tied to your ID so they will be preserved from day to day and across browsers.

Precise Control of Colors

You have very fine control over the colors but it is rather complex and takes a lot of explaining. You can change the colors of 9 different areas:
  1. The background of the center letter.
  2. The text of the center letter.
  3. The background of the donut letters (the 6 outer letters).
  4. The text of the donut letters.
  5. The background of the entire page.
  6. The text on the page (word lists, definitions, etc).
  7. The clickable links.
  8. The background of the command input field.
  9. The text in the command input field.

The CO command by itself will show a table of the current color settings:

Here’s an example of how to change the background (#1) and text (#2) of the center letter: You give pairs – an area number (1-9) and a color for that area.

Colors can be expressed in 4 different ways:

  1. The standard HTML color name - see this name reference. There are 140 different fun names - like Orchid and Aquamarine 😊.
  2. 3 decimal rgb values (red-green-blue) - like this: rgb(45,140,210). The rgb values are from 0 to 255. See this rgb reference. The red, green, and blue combine to make more than 16 million different colors (256*256*256 = 16,777,216).
  3. 6 hexadecimal digits - like this: #04FA99. The 3 hex digit pairs represent the values of red, green, and blue - from 00 to FF (instead of 0 to 255). See this hex reference.
  4. Shades of gray - G1 (nearly black) to G9 (whitish).
The 3 references above have color mixers and color pickers that are fun to play with. You can find a color you like and then select-copy-paste the rgb or hex color values.

Here’s another command to change the page background (#5) and link (#7) colors:

And the input text (#9) and the page text (#6):

Color Schemes

You may want to have a collection of several favorite color combinations (aka Color Schemes). Perhaps one for weekday mornings and another for late night. Once you have configured a set of colors you really like you should save it by name with the SCO command: Your color scheme name cannot be one of the standard HTML Color Names nor can it be a single letter as they are reserved for the PreSets.

CO is used to put one of your color schemes in place:

The command LCO will list your color schemes. They can be deleted with XCO:

Note that 16 million different colors in 9 different areas create more than 1065 possible combinations! That’s plenty of room for self expression. See the †† footnote for the fun calculation.

Clues for Puzzles

Getting dictionary definitions for words with the D command is nice – even though some people would consider it “cheating” 😉. Even more fun is to look at clues generously provided by members of the HiveMind. These clues are often humorous and clever wordplay - as in crossword puzzle clues. The word “clue” is used here instead of “hint”. These clues are much more creative and entertaining than formal dictionary definitions or revealed letters.

You can write clues when you create a Community Puzzle as seen below. You can also create clues for NYT Puzzles. To make clues for today’s NYT puzzle there is this link:

Spoiler warning: This link will reveal all of the words. When you have finished with your clues they are all presented in a nice format. In fact, there are 6 different nice formats in which to see your clues. Choose your preferred format and then click on “Ok”. This will do two things:
  1. Clear the format choices.
  2. Copy the clues onto the system clipboard.
Then, if you wish, you can Paste your clues into the NYT HiveMind Forum. In this way your clues can benefit those people who are playing Spelling Bee with the NYT app or the standard NYT web application.

Clues are shown when you use the D command. If there are clues from multiple authors they will be color-coded.

The I (information) command will show the names of people who submitted clues. Clicking on an author’s name will show the complete list of their clues. Note that in this display, if you’ve already found a word, that word is appended to the clue and the whole line is in gray rather than black. This helps you focus on the clues for the words you have not yet found. The tradition in the HiveMind Forum is that clues come in the word alphabetical order and can have the length shown as well. If you know this you have more information beyond the clue itself.

The CL command will list the dates of the NYT puzzles for which you have created clues.

If you leave all of the clue fields blank your clue offering is effectively deleted.

Creating a Community Puzzle

Why should Sam Ezersky be the only one to have the fun (and responsibility) of puzzle creation? You can create your own puzzle to share with the HiveMind community. To do so just click on this link: Create Puzzle.

There are 5 steps to create a puzzle:

  1. Choose a “pangramic” word - a word with exactly 7 unique characters. This ensures that there will be at least one pangram in your puzzle. In the NYT puzzles the letter S does not occur at all but here you are allowed to have an S in your word. You can also use E and R in the same puzzle, if you wish.

    How to find a pangramic word? There are five different ways:

    1. On the page you will see links to 3 long lists of pangramic words to choose from:

      1. Pangrams from NYT Puzzles
      2. Pangramic words from a list of 10,000 common English words
      3. Pangramic words from the large lexicon
      These lists are disjoint.
    2. It is overwhelming to be confronted with such a large number of word choices. It’s nice to be offered a smaller number. On the page you’ll see an R5 after the above 3 lists. They are links. Clicking on them will show you 5 random pangramic words from that file. Pressing Return will give you 5 more.
    3. If you have a word that you want to appear in the puzzle you can search for pangramic words whose resulting puzzle could have that word as part of the solution. There is a second text field for this purpose.

      For example, the word “enigma” yields “magazine” from the NYT puzzles, “demanding examining messaging remaining” from the 10,000 word list, and 54 (!) words from the large lexicon - most of which are too esoteric for a “reasonable” puzzle. However 😊 ... among those 54 I do see these that are quite reasonable:

      • beaming
      • egomania
      • imagines
      • maddening
      • margarine
      • menacing
      • menagerie
      • migraine
      • mismanage
    4. You can simply enter 7 unique letters and and see if there are any words in the lists that use those 7. Try, for example, abclrne.
    5. Let’s say you have a friend named Bob Smith. Notice that there are exactly 7 unique letters in his name. There are no pangramic words in any of the above lists that use the letters bhimost but we can still proceed with making a puzzle for Bob. Enter bobsmith as the pangramic word and choose a center letter. The “word” Bobsmith will be added to the “Other qualified” words and I’m sure you can come up with a clever clue for Bobsmith that will make Bob Smith smile 😊.
  2. Given your pangramic word, tallies are done of words, scores, 4 letter words, and pangrams by center letter. Analyze these and choose a center letter.
  3. Choose which words to include in your puzzle. This is the most difficult part. If you don’t include a common word or do include a very rare or esoteric word you may be subject to questioning and possible derision. 😉 Surprisingly, there are many common ordinary words that have not yet been used in any NYT Puzzle. You do not need to include all common ordinary words. This is your own custom personalized puzzle and you can make your own rules!
  4. Give clues for the words, if you wish. See the previous section for more details on entering the clues. Note that it is a nice gesture to add clues for your puzzle. The clues are a gift to the people playing your puzzle and another opportunity for you to be clever 😊. It also increases the chance that your puzzle will be included in the puzzles recommended with the RCP command.
  5. Final steps:

    1. Your name and location.
    2. A title and description for your puzzle (optional).
    3. Is the puzzle is ready to be “published” and available to the community?
    Note that the description is subject to the same formatting as Forum posts. e.g. *hello* becomes hello.
When these steps are complete your puzzle is assigned a number and is immediately available to the community. This number is used when giving the CP## command. CP here stands for Community Puzzle - a puzzle created by you for the HiveMind community!

A link will be displayed that looks like this:

where ## is your puzzle number. This link can be shared.

The LCP command lists the community puzzles.

The RCP command lists puzzles that I recommend because I find them interesting, clever, or an unusual challenge. Puzzles with clues are more likely to be included.

The command YCP will list the community puzzles that you have created. You can click on the CP## link to re-edit your puzzle. You can update/change/delete the words and clues - but not the 7 letters or center letter. You can also change the title and description.

The command XCP<num> can be used to delete puzzles that you have created.

The description of your puzzle can be used to inform people why you made the puzzle and explain any guidelines for what words might be included or excluded.

Power User Commands

These commands are of more limited use. Some of them were added just for the beauty of software Art.

MOToggle into "mobile mode". Useful when playing on an iPad or Tablet with a touch screen. The 7 letters in the hexagon become tappable.
LGShow a time-stamped log of your activity on the day of the NYT Puzzle. The times are 24 hour format U.S. West Coast Pacific Time
PFPF stands for Puzzle Feedback. Puzzle words you enter are shown in an orange color in the list of puzzle words. The PF command controls what other kind of feedback you will get. It cycles through three choices:
  • Inline – This is the default setting. The feedback will be inline with the other “attaboys”:
  • Flash – the number of points that you have added to the total will be flashed to the right of the Letter Hexagons. Like this:

    This is similar to what happens in the New York Times app or web application. There, however, it is accompanied by a rather lame Good!, Nice!, or Awesome!.

    When you ask for hints the number of hints that you were charged is flashed as well.

  • Silent – No feedback at all. Silence is golden.
Like your ST status choice your PF puzzle feedback choice is associated with your ID and will be preserved across the days and different browsers.
LM #minsSet a limit of how much longer you want to play. LM 10 will allow you to play for 10 more minutes. LM without a number will show how much more time remains. When the time has expired this message will be shown:

Your self-imposed time limit has arrived. 😞
Tomorrow is another day. 😊

Each day begins afresh.
This command may prove helpful for those who feel that they are spending too much time on this silly game.
PAPause your LM time limit. Any action will resume the time. This would be useful if you only want to play for 30 minutes today but would like to do it in three 10 minute sessions throughout the day.
ACShow a stacked bar graph of everyone’s activity through the day. Green: #words, Red: #commands, Blue: #dynamic grid queries. The X-axis is hours since midnight, U.S. Pacific Time. The Y-axis is number of entries. Monitoring began on December 22, 2022. It looks like this:

To show only your activity there is the command MAC (my activity).

HToggle the presentation of the 7 letters - either the Letter Hexagons or Inline Letters:

Since the letters in words occur in a line the Inline presentation (instead of the hexagonal) is somehow more natural. Repeated random shuffling of the inline letters can sometimes give you ideas for new words that you might not have noticed when the letters were arranged hexagonally.

DIFRCTA  diffract
CRATFDI  craft
DIACRTF  diacritic
TRAFICD  traffic

When in Inline mode you will not see the flashing puzzle feedback.

R%Show the rankings with the percentage of the maximum score.
-<word>Remove the word from the found list. (That’s a dash or hyphen or - or a minus sign before the word.) This might be used if you are trying for GOTN: Genius On the Nose. Better than removing the word would be to stash it – by clicking on the word for a definition and then choosing Stash.

Instead of the full Hint Table
#How many words remain to be found?
#BHow many words beginning with B remain to be found?
#4How many 4 letter words remain to be found?
#>4How many words with more than 4 letters remain to be found? This might be useful if you are trying for GN4L: Genius No 4 Letters.

Searching the Puzzles
CLFind puzzles for which you have added clues.
F7Find puzzles that use the same seven letters as the current puzzle. Also show the percentage of words in the other puzzles that occur in the current puzzle.
S  <word>Search for puzzles which include the word.
The above 3 commands will search both NYT Puzzles and Community Puzzles. You can click on the date or CP# link to start solving the puzzle.

Fun with the Found Word List
W>Show the found words in order of increasing length.
W>nShow the found words of length greater than n.
W<Show the found words in order of decreasing length.
W<nShow the found words of length less than n.
WnShow the found words of length n.
W  <prefix>Show the found words that start with <prefix>.
W/<pattern>Show the found words that match the pattern.
For example, W/OO will show the found words that contain OO - like OOZE, LOOT, or TATTOO. For Super Power Users: The pattern is a Perl Regular Expression with the /x flag.
W!/<pattern>Show the found words that do NOT match the pattern. To see the words that do not end in ING or ED enter this command:
1WShow the found words in a single column. This may be more convenient if you wish to copy/paste the word list.
SLShow the groups of found words that share the same letters.
FTShow the found words that are appearing for the first time in this puzzle.

However the Found Word List is shown you can click on each word to get a brief definition of that word. ††† This includes the Donut, Lexicon, Bonus, and Stash words. Click on the brief definition to see the complete definition at wordnik.com in another window.

FT  <word>Show the date on which the given word appeared for the first time.

If you are a minimalist:
HEToggle the showing of the header. Default is to show it.
LNToggle the showing of the many links when not in mobile mode. Default is to show them.
STThe ST command cycles through 4 different status displays. The last will turn it completely OFF.
WLToggle the showing of the list of found words. Default is to show the word lists (Puzzle, Donut, Lexicon, Bonus and Stash).
WL <which>Similar to WL above but you can specify which word lists you want to see: <which> is one or more of P, D, L, B, and S.

Like so:

    WL  PS
will show only the Puzzle and Stash word lists. This might be useful if you have found a great many Donut and Bonus words and the long lists of them are distracting your search for Puzzle words. The space is optional so WLPS is okay.

Note that if you have issued WL  PS and then wish to see ALL 5 of the word lists, just issue WLA to see ALL.

IMToggle the showing of the image for the ranks of Amazing, Genius, and Queen Bee. Default is to show it. This is for the default numeric status display.
Preserving Your Identity
ID The ID and the SN commands are explained thoroughly here.

The ID command alone will show the long string of characters that constitute your “identity” to the program. It will look something like this:

This command copies the long string to the system clipboard. Save this string in a secure place.
ID ...In case you inadvertently clear your Website Data (aka cookies) you can restore your identity with this command:
ID  963e4401-81eq-18ec-g81c-b1f85c942ex3
The long string of characters was retrieved from where you securely stored it. This command also allows you to replicate your identity from one browser to another (e.g. Safari to Chrome or desktop browser to mobile browser).

The long string is computer generated and is guaranteed to be unique - but it is long! A much easier way to establish your identity is to create a string that you know is (very likely) unique to you - like your name plus your birthdate. For example:

    ID GERTIE4/30
Now if your cookies were cleared you can easily re-establish your identity.

The ID and the SN commands are explained thoroughly here.

The Ultimate Hint:
G  Y Give up and show the words you have not yet found. G  Y means Give up and confirm Yes. This just shows the words not yet found. If you wish to actually have them entered append a P to the Y: G YP. That is P for paste or GYP for cheat or swindle. 😬

In the graphical status you can click on the b, p, and w lines to issue commands. This is convenient when playing on a mobile phone.

Articles about the NYT Spelling Bee

The archive of the Forum - the central communication hub of the HiveMind.
There is also the “HiveMind” link in the output of the I (info) command which brings up the HiveMind forum discussion for the puzzle.

Getting to Genius, Part 1: Spelling Bee for Beginners
Getting to Genius, Part 2

How the Hivemind Conquers Spelling Bee

The Genius of Spelling Bee

An Insomniac Plays Spelling Bee

Flight of the Spelling Bee Player

Insider Secrets of the Spelling Bee - An interview with Sam Ezersky

YouTube - Deb Amlen, Sam Ezersky, and William Jackson Harper play the Spelling Bee

These Spelling Bee Hint Writers Want to Help You Get to Genius
Kitt Richards was interviewed for this article. Kitt uses this software to help format her clues.

Other NYT Bee Projects

The NY Times Spelling Bee concept has been a fertile source of challenge for many clever software engineers.

Games You Can Play

https://quordle-wordle.com/spelling-bee This site took all of the NYT puzzles and lets you play one of them at random. You can’t choose one by date. No Hint Table or Two Letter List. The list of found words is vertical which is less than helpful. There are some annoying ads.

Contra Bee A love note to spelling bee. This site takes the daily NYT Bee and asks you to enter Donut words. It has an “official” list of Donut words and you try to get to Genius rank by finding all the words in the list. You can play yesterday’s puzzle as well.

bee.ignoble.dev {} Bee - Generates a daily puzzle (not NYT) from the English Aspell Dictionary. There are puzzles going back to 5/17/2020. Puzzles on Sunday have fewer than 41 words. The number of words increases through the week until Friday puzzles have more than 120 words. Saturday puzzles have more than 120 words excluding the letters s and d. Can sort the found words in 3 ways. It has a “spoiler” mechanism to reveal all words. I found a bug in the scoring: Some 4 letter words score more than 4!?? (This is because he scores words according to the Scrabble value of each letter instead of the NYT Bee scoring method.) It keeps a tally of how many words of each length you need and have found. A very clean interface. With no advertisements or requests for donations. 👍

swilliams.io.fun/hex - A Javascript implementation. Fast. Clean code. Uses a file of 1,500 pangramic words and a file of 10,000 common words. A different puzzle each day. No ranks. No hint table. Not NYT Puzzles so not “curated”. Github repo is here.

freebee.fun is a free web version of the game that you can play! Javascript and HTML/CSS. It doesn’t use NYT words so the word list is not “curated”. There is no hint table. Source code in C is available for a command line version.

Philip Shemella A command line game you can play written in Python. Again, doesn’t use NYT words. It also generates new games.

Cloning the NYT Bee Written in node.js and other modern tools. Only two games to play. No hint table. Choose “live demo” at the bottom.

bumblewords.com A Javascript game. Clean. Not NYT Puzzles. Cannot type - must click/tap. It has a leaderboard.

A sequence of 7 videos The functionality of the NYT Spelling Bee is (sort of) replicated in Javascript/HTML/CSS. The entire process is explained in great (excruciating) detail.

A Dynamic Hints Table

Spelling Bee Buddy A valiant effort by a group of engineers and designers (Upshot?) to make a dynamic grid and two letter list. There is some magic that connects the NYT puzzle to their site - on a per person basis. They also try to provide hints/clues from people in the HiveMind that have offered a list of clues. Pretty nice but awkward - the dynamic hint table is in another window. What kind of communication do they use between the windows? This same group produced the WordleBot.

worker-bee.io No longer active. This was a dynamic Hint Table in Javascript - pretty but somewhat fragile as it didn’t have the full word list.

beesquared.ga Yet another dynamic Hint Table in Javascript similar to worker-bee.io.

Spelling Bee Tips Clues and definitions and incremental revealing. Can paste words from NYT puzzle. Pretty fancy but awkward to use. Where do the clues and definitions come from?

Honeycomb Hints An iOS app. You upload a screenshot of your found words and the app extracts them and updates the Hint Table. How are the words deduced from the image? OCR? Impressive - but troublesome to use. It doesn’t verify the words are in the "allowed list" or are even qualified.

Spelling Bee Assistant An extension for the Chrome browser that interacts with the NY Times Spelling Bee site. Provides dynamic counts. No hints or definitions.

Excel Spreadsheet for the Hints Table This updates the hint table as words are found and pasted in.

Spelling Bee Hint Worksheet A kind of spreadsheet you print out and, with a pen or pencil, fill in the words you have found. This is further proof that there is an unmet need for the grid to be dynamic.

Class Projects

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Course assignment for CSCI-1200 Data Structures. Also see September 16 at this link.

Bryn Mawr College An ambitious Senior Project for 4 students.

Pangram Haiku

My own project. Pangram puzzles form the basis of writing poetry. Four people created a total of 1158 clever, wise, and inventive haiku.

Solver and Creator

Solver and Creator Excellent work by a high school student!

Generating Possible Words

Avonlea Fisher Given a lexicon (words.txt) and 6+1 letters find the allowed words.

Finding a Max Score Another video analyzing NYT Bee type puzzles in excruciating detail.

Word Analysis

Matt’s Blog A clever and thorough historical analysis of words used in the NYT Bee. It’s part of an intriguing WordPress blog.

NYT Spelling Bee 2021 in Review Analysis of all 2021 puzzles. By Charlie DiGiovanna & Lea Bourdages.

NY Times Puzzle Answers

The 9 sites below show the list of allowed words in the NY Times puzzle for each day. In a variety of formats. The intention is to help people solve the puzzle or, more accurately, see what words they missed. Most have annoying ads. 😞
  1. wordpuzzlepro.com The best of the 9. Beautiful graphics and design. A full archive going back to the beginning. No ads. Nice incremental revealing of letters. A 3 letter list in addition to the 2 letter list. Dictionary definitions on request.
  2. nytbee.com by Chris McLeester. This site was the main source for the archive. Historical analysis of the puzzles and nice graphs. No ads 👍.
  3. sbsolver.com The source for early NYT Puzzles. Optionally shows the table of hints and the 2 letter counts. Clever historical analysis of words. An entertaining FAQ. The ads are very annoying!
  4. hejhej.dev/bee Today and yesterday only. No ads 👍.
  5. spellingbeeanswers.com Pretty formatting but not much else.
  6. nytspellinganswers.org Fancy narrative formatting.
  7. spellingbeetimes.com They have definitions – grabbed from somewhere – but not one for BIKING on 11/26/21? They even generate a silly youtube video!
  8. the-frenemy.com Other word puzzles as well.
  9. walkthroughs.net Just the answers. It started on 1/28/22. May not always be there! Who knows why? The url contains the date - which you will need to modify. 🙃

NY Times Engineering Director

This page is a December 9, 2021 advertisement for a job at the NY Times as Director of Engineering for the Games team - to manage 30 engineers!

Without a Subscription?

Is it illegal or unethical to play the NYT Spelling Bee puzzles without a subscription?

I do have a subscription to the Times. It is a reliable, trusted, and curated source of information in these troubled times. Subscriptions help the many journalists stay focused on their story.

When the puzzle page is loaded into the web browser the list of allowed words is visible – if you know where to look. This is what you will see in the HTML/Javascript page source:

window.gameData = {
    "today": {
    "expiration": 1638345600,
    "displayWeekday": "Tuesday",
    "displayDate": "November 30, 2021",
    "printDate": "2021/11/30",
    "centerLetter": "h",
    "outerLetters": ["d", "g", "i", "n", "o", "t"],
    "validLetters": ["h", "d", "g", "i", "n", "o", "t"],
    "pangrams": ["goodnight", "hotdogging"],
    "answers": ["goodnight", "hotdogging", "dhoti", "doth",
        "godhood", "goth", "hiding", "high", "hind",
        "hinging", "hint", "hinting", "hitting", "hogging",
        "honing", "hood", "hooding", "hoodoo", "hoot",
        "hooting", "hotdog", "nigh", "night", "ninth",
        "nothing", "thigh", "thin", "thing", "thinning",
        "thong", "tight", "tithing", "tonight", "tooth"],
So the words in the puzzle are available publicly each day. The new mechanism I created is simply an alternate way of using these words.

Same 7 Letters

In the large NYT Spelling Bee archive there are many puzzles that share the same set of 7 letters and hence the same pangrams. For example, there are 3 that have occurred on 5 different dates:

The F7 command finds other dates that use the same 7 letters as in the current puzzle. These other puzzles usually (but not always) have a different center letter. Note these identical puzzles: 08/03/19 and 08/24/20.

F7 will also show what percentage of words in the other puzzles are the same as in the current puzzle.

I’m curious why the NY Times has to keep RE-using / recycling the same pangramic words. There are SO many other choices. If you feel the same you can create your own puzzle with a different colorful intriguing pangram! It could even include an S (OMG!) or have both an E and an R! Post a message in the Forum to share your puzzle!

NYT Archival Puzzles

The archive was gathered mostly from nytbee.com. It is now added to daily at 3:00 a.m. EST by extracting the words from the New York Times site. There are daily puzzles going all the way back to May 9, 2018. There are now 2507 puzzles with a total of 10600 different words!

Tallies are made of the many puzzles and words. See this table of the puzzles:

NYT Spelling Bee Puzzles

You will see date, center letter, # words, # pangrams, score, # four letter words, and bingo. You can sort the table ascending or descending on all these things.

And see this table of the words:

Words in the NYT Spelling Bee

You will see word, length, frequency, and date the word first appeared. You can sort the table ascending or descending on all these things.

If you scroll down on these pages you will see a link to Load the entire file. This was done to make for faster loading of the top of the file (which is likely what you are most interested in).

Which puzzles from the large archive to play? You can get one at random with the NR command or you could choose one with various attributes like ones with the most points or the fewest 4 letter words.

Starting an archival puzzle is simple. Just enter the puzzle date (like 12/16/21) in the text field where you would enter a word.

To facilitate your curiousity and research you can see this text file of the many puzzles. The lines have this format:

yyyymmdd => seven center pangrams ... | words ...
For example:

20180524 => abceklm k camelback clambake | aback alack ... meek
Another way to do Bee “research” is to search NYT Bee words and large lexicon words for a pattern with this site:

The Many Ways to “Cheat”

There are many ways to play this silly game. Aside from the normal puzzle there are many games within the game.

Most people play by trying to find all the words in the puzzle’s “allowed list” ALL BY THEMSELVES – using no other source than their own mind and memory. This is admirable. But we are not all so dedicated or pure nor do we have the time it takes! This is what the hints and clues and definitions are for – to give us a bit of help. You are charged for this assistance by the accumulation of “hint points”. With this help we can get to Genius or Queen Bee. This kind of help is not really cheating.

Another minor cheat is to ask Google how to spell a word. Google is very good at taking a misspelling and showing how it should be spelled. You came up with the word! You simply weren’t sure how to spell it! See this section for an easy way to ask Google.

It you DO want to cheat using more sneaky means there are many ways:

  1. You can consult the many web sites that reveal the entire list of allowed words.
  2. You can use a different ID, play the game, and use the G Y command to reveal the words. Select and copy them, switch back to your own ID, and paste the words.
  3. Use the I command which shows the people who have created a set of clues (e.g. Kitt Richards). Clicking on their name will show all of their clues and not charge you any hint points. You can also consult the HiveMind forum on the NYT site (there’s a HiveMind link in the I command output). Many people offer clues there.
  4. The NYT site offers the Hint Table and Two Letter List which you can consult without being charged any hints. These resources are not normally dynamic (as in UltraBee – with the HT and TL commands) but there IS the Spelling Bee Buddy which (through some clever magic) makes them dynamic – updating as you find words.
  5. If you bring up the Bee on the NYT website and you know how to see the HTML/Javascript source of the page you can see the list of words – without any hint points charged.
  6. Use the F7 command to see if there are other puzzles that use the same 7 letters. There is usually a different center letter in these puzzles but many of the words in their allowed list might also be words (or Donut words) in the current puzzle. The pangrams will certainly be the same. You can use the G YP command to reveal the words in these other puzzles and then copy-paste them into the current puzzle – without being charged any hint points.
  7. If you are literate with regular expressions you can enter this on OSX in the Terminal application:

        % egrep '^[abcdefg]{4,}$' /usr/share/dict/words | grep g
    abcdefg above should be replaced by the seven letters in the puzzle. Note that g is the center letter.

    The above command will show all qualifying puzzle words that occur in the large lexicon. Not all will be in the allowed list as there are many rare and obscure words in that lexicon.

  8. Related to the above cheat (and easier to access) is to use the Bee Word Search as described in the prior section. You enter the same regular expression ( ^[abcdefg]{4,}$ ) and choose whether to search the large lexicon or the words in the NYT Spelling Bees. You then use control-F to search for the center letter (g) in the resulting list of words within the browser window.
  9. One way to NOT effectively cheat is to ask chatGPT to help you. It is remarkably stupid at this task no matter how cleverly you ask it.
  10. Another way to NOT cheat is to use the command C YA to clear the game and start over. Overall hint totals are not cleared with that command!
  11. There are probably other ways to cheat. and I’ll add to this list. 😊
The TOP command shows who has achieved the various ranks. It also shows how many hints were needed. If you decide to “cheat” so that your hint count remains at zero you know what you have done. There is a certain illicit pleasure in this but it is not for everyone.

Donut and Bonus Words

It is not so easy to cheat with Donut and Bonus words because there is no “official” list. This is part of their charm.

Here is one way to cheat with Donut words (in the OSX Terminal with regular expressions):

    % egrep '^[abcdef]{4,}$' /usr/share/dict/words
where abcdef are the 6 donut letters.

Here is one way to cheat with Bonus words (in the OSX Terminal with regular expressions):

    % egrep '^[abcdefgj]{6,}$' /usr/share/dict/words | grep j
The above will find Bonus words with an additional letter J.

Known Issues

This software is made by one person, not a team of NYT engineers. It has limitations and weaknesses. Here are the known issues:


  1. The first acknowledgement is, of course, to the New York Times and Sam Ezersky who creates the daily Spelling Bee puzzles. What a great gig he has! UltraBee is not endorsed by the Times. Acknowledgements are due, as well, to Frank Longo and Will Shortz whose genius created the Spelling Bee concept. I encourage everyone to subscribe to the New York Times and the NYT Games. It is a reliable, trusted, and curated source of information in these troubled times. Your subscription helps the many journalists stay focused on their stories.
  2. Many thanks to Dez for being the “champion” of this software in the HiveMind forum. His encouragment and many new ideas for enhancement have been a big help.
  3. JJ has followed the development of this software for several years. They have been an inspiration for a multitude of new features. Thank you so much!
  4. Thanks to Jack for his Scrabble/Anagramming wisdom and curiosity.
  5. For many years I have been indebted to the Perl community and CPAN for providing the excellent language and many modules to enable and empower my profession and this software.
  6. github.com is used for source code control.
  7. wordnik.com for their excellent brief (and complete) definitions.
  8. homemade-preschool.com for the bee clipart images.
  9. hostmonster.com for their fast and solid hosting.


The comment in the Videos section was inspired by Charles Ives in the preface to his Essays Before a Sonata – a book of essays to accompany the monumental Concord Sonata for piano, viola, and flute.

How many different Color Schemes are there?

A bit is either 0 or 1 = 2 states.
A byte has 8 bits giving 28 = 256 values from 0 to 255.
A color is composed of 3 bytes (red, green, blue) so there are 2563 = 16,777,216 unique colors.
A color scheme has a color for each of 9 areas so there are 16,777,2169 >= 1065 different color schemes.


How fun is that! 😊

For even more fun, using dc, the arbitrary-precision arithmetic calculator, the actual answer is:

This post in the HiveMind on August 14, 2023 shows that being able to click on words in the Puzzle, Donut, Lexicon, Bonus and Stash lists to get definitions of words is a useful and desired thing:

The file /usr/share/dict/words on OSX is known as “the large lexicon”. This collection of words contains 235,886 words of which 98,634 of them have a length >= 4 and contain no more than 7 unique letters. Surprisingly, it is missing many words - such as INTERNET! 😜

Ultra means 'beyond' in Latin.

Synonyms from wiktionary.org:

Kinnikinnick is “a preparation made from the dried leaves and bark of various plants, often including bearberry and sometimes mixed with tobacco, smoked especially by certain Native American peoples.”

wordnik.com has many alternate spellings of Kinnikinnick:

It only takes I, K, and N in a puzzle for 4 of these to qualify. And an additional C permits 10 more! They may not be in the “allowed list” but would be accepted as Lexicon words. If you’re looking for Bonus words there are many possibilities. 😊

While the words KINK, WINK, KNIT, and CLINK have appeared in many puzzles (use the Power User command 'S KINK') KINNIKINNIK has not yet appeared. 😞